Milwaukee’s county sheriff’s office projects they will spend double their projected budget on overtime.
A report from the sheriff’s office states that “Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) estimates 2021 overtime to be $7,800,000 which is $3,892,860 over the 2021 adopted budget of $3,907,140 or 100% of budgeted dollars.”
With COVID19, many of the government buildings and court cases and parks and roadways that mcso is tasked with patrolling have been closed, yet they are trying to keep up their longstanding habit of overspending on overtime.

These are the people who arrested dozens of people on bullshit curfew tickets during last year’s protests. First they attack us, then they turn around and expect us to pay them double. Fuck them.
The report will be presented to the county board finance committee on Thursday May 13 at 9:30 am. The meeting will be virtual, so you can sign up to tell them how you feel about it.
Busy Thursday morning? You can submit written testimony using the form on this page. Click on item titled “8 21-441 Informational Report on County Ordinance 56.02 reporting requirements for Overtime and net deficit.” You’ll have to create an account and it won’t let you use colorful language. The government is very sensitive. They cannot stomach hearing the actual thoughts and feelings of the people. Maybe that’s why they’re so willing to shovel money at the sheriffs.